I Love Lingayen

I was born and grew up in Lingayen, Pangasinan, in a small "barangay" called Naguelguel. Since I was little we used to go to the Famous Lingayen, gulf, the same gulf that Gen. McArthur Landed during the second World War. In that same beach we celebrate the Pista'y Dayat(Sea Festival) on the 1st day of May to thank God for the blessing and for good harvest for the people. I can still remember, we used to join the Sand Sculpting Copetitiion during the said festival. I posted here some of our sculptures. Those are few of the winning pieces of art, and some are just too good though did not win, but is good enough to be featured.
I really fell said when I think about what happened because the competition were removed in the line-up of events, for the information of the organizers and the Pangasinan Provincial Government, the Sand Sculpting competition is one of the major event in the festival that most tourist look forward to. This is the event that they can get to take pictures of the sculptures, when the sun is too hot to take a bath yet to the sea.
I'm looking forward and hoping that they'd bring the competition back, it will definitely make the people and the artist like us very happy.

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