Komikon Comics Creation Entry

See you all at the Komikon 2009! I'm currently working at my entry for the comics-creation Contest for Komikon. At SM megamall megatrade hall this October. It's a love story, and hopefully I can finish it up until the deadline. (for details you can visit http://komikon.deviantart.com)
I was able to reserve an Indie table for the 1st time, which makes me so happy! :) I'm been attending komikon for the past couple of years and my 3rd time to join the comics creation contest.

I will be selling copies of Baboy and Dogstyle as well as EDSA my first colob with the great writer/artist Sir Randy Valiente :iconrandyvaliente: Please feel free to drop by.
I'm so excited, and I just can't fight it hehe. ;p Sa mga berks ko, kita kits sa komikon ha? :D



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